Rat Dissection and Frog Dissection by Emantras Inc. [$3.99 each]
If you are teaching Life Science then these 2 Apps can allow you experience anatomy and human body systems in an engaging, and incredibly cost-effective way. Both dissection apps walk you step by step through an accurate, real-life dissection and not only allow you to see the inside of both organisms, but experience the process (cuts, pins, and all!) of a real dissection. The Frog Dissection app is slighly more comprehensive- complete with video footage, information on frog species, and a quiz. Both apps can be used in conjunction with a real-life dissection (use as a pre-dissection activity to preteach the proper cuts and use of tools).
EMD PTE by EMD Chemicals [free]
There are several apps available that showcase the periodic table and all of the information that it possesses. Few are as comprehensive as this one however- and EMD PTE is completely free. The app is simple and easy for students to use. Click on an element and it pulls up the basic information (Atomic number, mass, symbol, etc). Double click on it again and it pulls up a multitude of details including a photograph of the element or something made from it (see images of Copper below). The toolbar that opens to the left allows you to dig even deeper into the Periodic Table. Manipulate the temperature under the "State at Room Temperature" tab and see how the state (phase of matter) of each element changes. The "Discovery" tab pulls up a photograph of the person who discovered each element, and the "Glossary" is complete with a multitude of relevant vocabulary terms.
OnScreen DNA Model by OnScreen Science Inc. [$3.99]
This app provides a beautiful 3-dimenstional model of DNA and its structure. Complete with labels and pairing nucleotides, this app is great for review and basic understanding of DNA's unique structure. "Denature" your DNA strand and see what happens when DNA unwinds and then zips back up again!
Physical Sci by CPO Science [free]
If you are a Physical Science teacher or student, this interactive glossary can be incredibly helpful! Not only does the app provide definitions and visual support for its terms- it contains hundreds of video clips with explanations and examples. The glossary is organized into 6 main Physics topics (see the home screen below). Each of its vocabulary terms is found within the interactive glossary, but also in flash card format for quick studying and practice.
iLab Timer HD by Negative Ninth [$0.99]
This timer app is perfect for the science classroom! It is student friendly and easy to use, and has the cabability of running up to 10 timers at once. Set the timers to count down or up, and modify the buzzer with dozens of options to choose from. There are several timer apps on the market- and while I have other favorites for teacher use (Timer+), this is the best for students and science labs.
iPhoto by Apple and Camera+ by tap tap tap [free]
Encourage your students to document their science experiments using the iPad's camera feature and iPhoto. I prefer Camera+ to the regular Camera app because it allows for quick shots and easy editing. Students can use photographs to showcase experiment results, or document the process of their experimentation. Perfect for science fair but useful for documentation of students daily experimentation as well!
Visible Body 3D Human Anatomy by Visible Body [$29.99]
There are dozens of human anatomy apps, and from a variety of price ranges. This app obviously comes with a bigger price tag (though not the biggest!) but is well worth the price if you are teaching anatomy or human body systems. Your students will be able to experience the human body in a truly interactive way. The app not only showcases each system independently, but also how it interacts with other body systems. Visit Visible Body's website at http://www.visiblebody.com/atlas_overview for more detailed footage on the app if you want to know more before spending $29.99.
HudsonAlpha iCell by HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology [free]
This free app will allow your students to experience the animal, plant, and bacteria cell in a 3-dimensional way. Not only does it help them conceptulize cells and their organelles, it describes the function of each organelle in a differentiated fashion. For middle schoolers, the "basic" description is simple and not overly complicated! Higher-level students can digger into organelle function through the "intermediate" and "advanced" descriptions. This app is simple- but excellent for the price tag and students find it fun!
*also available for free online at http://hudsonalpha.org/education/digitaleducation/icel